5 Tips for Puppy Proofing Your Home

Photo courtey of http://www.badgercrest.com
Ah, puppies...so adorable, filled with boundless energy and curious about any-and-everything around them. That's why taking steps to puppy-proof your home will go a long way in protecting these little ones from harm. And on the flip side, your precautions will also safeguard your belongings from possible damage. Your first task is to get a puppy's point of view. How? By going from room to room, getting down on your hands and knees and taking a good look at what your puppy might be enticed by. Remember, they are new to the world and like toddlers; puppies are inclined to explore their surroundings by putting things in their mouths and poking around in nooks and crannies. Cabinets Cleaning supplies and personal care items that are stored in low storage areas like kitchen and under-sink bathroom cabinets can be poisonous to your puppy. The ingredients in these products are extremely harmful and can even cause death. If the cabinet doors can be easily pried open, think about storing these items in some other place. Another option is to purchase plastic child-proof cabinet locks that can be temporarily attached to the handles or knobs. These safety locks can usually be found online or in local pet supply (or baby) stores.
Read on at: About Toy Dogs
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