Grooming the Affenpinscher

The coat of an Affenpinscher is harsh and rough-textured. His category is short-haired breed. His hair is about one inch in length on the shoulder and body, may be shorter on the rear and tail. The head, neck, chest, stomach and legs have longer, less harsh coat. The mature Affenpinshcer has a mane or cape of strong hair which blends into the back coat at the withers area. The monkey-like expression of the Affenpinscher is created by the longer hair on the head, eyebrows and beard, which stands off and frames the face.
The Affenpinscher with a correct coat needs little attention and no trimming. He should be combed on a regular basis to keep the coat in good condition. You will need a medium- or fine-toothed comb. Brush your Affenpinscher with a nylon or bristle cushion hairbrush to remove loose hairs. One of the best kinds of brushes to use for Affenpinscher brushing is a small good-quality bristle nylon ladies hairbrush. Brushing also helps to keep the coat looking tidy. You want your Affenpinsher to have a "shaggy
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