The First Pekingese Secured From the Summer Palace and Brought to England

The Pekingese breed is of the Royal breed of dog that existed in the Imperial palaces of the Celestial Empire. When the Summer Palace at Peking was looted by "foreign devils" bronze effigies of the Pekingese dogs were discovered known to be 2,000 years old. The Pekingese breed can also be found represented in all kinds of antique Chinese art. They may be seen carved in stone at the entrance of many an old temple. They are exquisitely portrayed in rare porcelains and tapestries. These little Pekingese creatures have always been jealously guarded and very few found their way into the outer world. The Pekingese were kept under the care of special attendants. These attendants were answerable for their safety with their lives. During this time it was impossible to obtain a specimen of the true Palace dog for any amount of money or love. It was only at the looting of the summer palace at Peking, during the occupation of the city by the Allies in 1860, that five of these exquisite creatures were forgotten in the hurried flight out of the Court. These five Pekingese were discovered in a part of the garden that was said to be the favorite place of the Emperor's Aunt, who committed suicide on the approach of the troops, the Princess Dowager.
Read on at: About Toy Dogs
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