The Papillon as a Service Dog?

The Papillon continues to be among the less popular breeds in North America. Papillon production in the United States has increased in recent years. A Papillon, Ch. Loteki Supernatural Being, won Best in Show in 1999 at the Westminster Kennel Club show. He also won many hearts. Kirby, who won the most in breed history also won the World Dog Show in Helsinki Finland, and the Royal Invitational in Canada in 1998, which has also attracted many new admirers of the Papillon.
As for the Papillon's ability as a service dog, yes most definitely, the Papillon dog can be well-suited for service work. The Papillon has been bred for centuries as a companion dog and possesses one of the most important assets of a good service dog. This asset is how the Papillon enjoys spending the majority of time with his human partner and creates the ultimate in human-animal bonding. Although larger dogs are required for some tasks for the disabled such as providing brace and balance, pulling wheelchairs, opening heavy doors, the Papillons are able to perform the majority of required tasks for a variety of disabilities. These tasks may include but are not limited to:
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